A Few Thoughts on County-Wide Library Service

The following are thoughts expressed about library service and the potential of having a county-wide library in Cache County.

The problem is that there are just some parts of the county that don’t have very adequate library service.
-Craig Peterson
Cache County Council

I strongly urge the adoption of a country-wide shared-use system so common in other localities.
-Paula Boothe

‘Let there be light’ was the motto Andrew Carnegie had inscribed over the doorway to his first public library. Let there be light here, too.
-Kathe Lison

Isn’t it really about priorities — what a local society values enough to do what it takes to make something happen?
-Richard Watkins

Though the magnitude of Internet resources continually fuels our appetite for information, electronic communication or amusement, the social and cultural rewards of a healthy, community-centered library can never be duplicated in cyberspace.  Cache County government now offers the public a strategic voice in deciding the role and reach of library services across the valley.
-Richard Watkins

This is long overdue
-Kenneth Reese

We had a system like that in Minnesota 50 years ago–it’s long overdue here–let’s get it done!
-Russell Weeks

Everyone should have equal access to quality library materials and services.
-Debra C. Cooper

Libraries are ALWAYS a good idea and anyway access can be made easier is a good move
-Ken Petty

As responsible citizens we need to live and HELP live
-Rebecca Coulombe

We all fund public education, whether we have children in school or not, on the basis that it benefits society for us to do so. I think that the same argument applies to funding an accessible library system for the ENTIRE county.
-Valerie Wallis

Let’s tear down the fences and allow more access.
-Stephanie R. White

[Not having a] county library here … does everyone a disservice.
-Leslie Hofland

…we could all work together; combining our efforts to enhance and benefit everyone, cut out some costs and remember that we are all a part of Cache Valley … would be an even better community to live in and be a part of.
-Nyla Adams

It is about time for all Cache County residents to have equal access to library materials.
-Heidi Smith

Very much needed for a long, long time!
-Nanette Nelson

Feel strongly this should happen
-Joseph Harold Nelson

Books and additional materials available to all residents of our county are an important link to the education of all citizens.
-Donald Jensen

Libraries are about knowledge, and the current system withholds that from those that don’t live within certain boundaries.
-Megan Peterson

A strong library system is essential to a well informed and educated society. A county wide library system is a fiscally responsible and rewarding way to expand the many small libraries in Cache County.
-Kathleen Snyder

This is a service that is long overdue and worth paying for.
-Sherrie Mortensen

I love and appreciate our North Logan library. But its time to raise the bar and share all resources with our neighbors.
-Craig Gale
North Logan

The fact that we have county residents without access to library services is reason enough to support the formation of a county system. Where is that pioneer “barn raising” attitude that invites us to help our neighbor in need?
-Joseph M. Hawkes
North Logan

It seems to me that this program would lead to the greatest efficiency in providing access to a quality library program.
-Alan Thomander
North Logan

…I’m in favor of an inclusive and open system for equal access for everyone in the valley.
-John M Engler

The County needs a library everyone in the valley can use!
-Darren S Olsen

Cache Valley desperately needs a more actively literate population
-Terence Yorks

A countywide system benefits the entire community.
-Catherine Sylvester

A countywide library system makes sense for our valley and years from now, we’ll be so glad we have it!!
-Michelle Thompson

I hope people can think about the big picture, plan for the future, and do something that will benefit us now and benefit generations to come.
-Heidi Fargo

A community-wide library is a wise investment in our community and in our economy.
-Rebecca Echols

Lets get together and make a county wide system happen
-Michelle Smart

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